如意书屋 > 奇幻小说 > (梅林传奇同人)Student Prince 学生王子
(梅林传奇同人)Student Prince 学生王子

(梅林传奇同人)Student Prince 学生王子



更新时间:2018-09-06 19:39:39 [共77章]

最新:第 77 节

Wow I can't even begin to think I promised someone to translate this story into Chinese, so obviously I'm masochistic... but honestly this is a truly amazing piece, talking about young love and being who you really are, about being able to not fear for your true identity and making new friends along the way. So here it is. Hopefully I'm able to deliver to you even only a fracture of what I felt reading this story.
Disclaimer: I don't own the story or any characters. This is merely a translation.
A translation of The Student Prince by FayJay

Ⅰ 作者:FayJay所写的(梅林传奇同人)Student Prince 学生王子最新章节由网友发布,《(梅林传奇同人)Student Prince 学生王子》为转载作品。

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Ⅴ 本小说(梅林传奇同人)Student Prince 学生王子仅代表作者个人的观点,与如意书屋的立场无关。

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